Akron Kwanzaa Ujamaa Celebration - December 29

2023 Call for Young Entrepreneurs

We invite young entrepreneurs to share the genius and creativity of your enterprise. The cost to participate is free. However, you must request and be
approved to participate. Space is limited. The request deadline is December 15, 5 PM. [CLICK HERE] for submition form.

Create and submit a video about your business.

Your video should:
• Name and describe your business
• Describe your products or services
• Let people know the best way to contact you (website, email, Facebook/social media)
• Must be formatted either .mp4 or .mov

All submitted video are subject to approval and ranking by the NAACP Akron Kwanzaa Committee. Each video will evaluated for appropriateness and decency, cultural responsiveness, and effectively communicating the business idea, product and /or service. The decision of the NAACP Akron Kwanzaa Committee is absolute and final.




For more information about Kwanzaa [click here].

How long does money stay in the various communities? 

A dollar circulates for:

Blacks in America have about a $1.3 trillion gross national income. Only 2% of that money, about $26 billion, is re-circulated in the black community.  Just 2¢ of the "average" black person's dollar is spent with a black-owned business (or the average black person spends 98¢ of every dollar supporting other people's communities).

Imagine if black folks increased the re-circulation rate from (the current) 2% to 6% (from 2¢ to 6¢). That would be an extra $52,000,000,000.00 (billion) in our communities (that would be the equivalent giving every black person [adult and child] living in the U.S. a $1,400.00 annual stimulus check).

Information and links to support Black-owned businesses in the Greater Akron area and beyond.

250 Ohio black owned businesses

We Buy Black

United Black Fund Achieves Maximum Results Ohio's only Black federated human services organization partners with other financial institutions to help small nonprofits. - https://clevelandmagazine.com/cleader/business/articles/united-black-fund-achieves-maximum-results